Thursday, May 31, 2012

The BOO BOO that became a BIG BOO!

Whoops!  I've made a boo boo!
This story isn’t quite like my other posts.  I mean it isn’t actually about parenting as such.  It’s about the potential to parent; the potential to parent not just two, but three children.  Yes.  That’s right.  THREE!  As this, for a very long week-or-so (for some unexplained reason), was what I thought I was going to have to do.  Yes.  Although I am in my thirties (and not some careless offence to teenagers), I honestly thought (for that very long week-or-so) I (with the help of my lovely other half, of course) had made one very large and terrifying boo boo.

Towards the end of this very long week-or-so, when the panic really started to set it, I don’t know what was worse.  Knowing that I’d have to explain to my shocked (and possibly somewhat horrified) family and friends, that the shop (the same shop that I’d said after little man was born nineteen months ago...the shop that is also known as my own “baby making shop”) was well and truly closed for business.  This is also the same shop that I swore black and blue would NEVER again reopen.  And, on top of this, knowing that I’d have to explain to these same family and friends, that although this could be described as an accident, my own view on the situation put it in an entirely different category.  The category of stupidity. 
Now I won’t go into details, in case there are youngsters reading, but my other half and I have been using the same method of contraception for years (many, many, many years before the arrival of little madam and little man, anyway).  And on top of that, this method of contraception had to be well and truly put on hold (no pun intended), in order for us to be able to finally announce the imminent arrival of both little madam and little man.  So call me naive, but it was only after I Googled our particular choice of contraception that I discovered (with a large and impossible to swallow lump in my throat) that 6% of women still fall pregnant using the very method of contraception that’s been keeping me “safe” for years!  Surely not!  Well.  As they say, “You learn something new every day!”  I mean, is the only real way to avoid falling pregnant to avoid doing the deed altogether?  Goodness me!  What has the world come to? 
But perhaps, worse than this – worse than having to reveal to my family and friends my stupidity - was coming to terms with the very real realisation that my house – the one currently occupied by myself, my other half, little madam and little man – was already far too small for its four occupants.  And that the two solutions to this very small (well three-bedroom, anyway) problem – being either 1.  Buy a bigger house, or 2.  Put on an extension - were going to be well and truly unattainable thanks to our current financial situation; which is thanks, by the way, largely due to the fact that the shop (you know, the baby making one) has been opened for the last few years.

Now this is a bit of a worry!
Now I admit after sobbing on the couch at five-am, in front of my early-rising husband while he hurriedly dressed for work, and muttering something along the lines of, “This isn’t what I had planned for my life” – as though adding another little someone-or-other into our current mix was going to be the worst thing in the world – and then having to deal with my own thoughts after he bolted, with a rather worried look on his face, out the door (he did call me later, by the way, to say “Whatever happens, don’t worry, everything’s going to be fine”), I did come to terms slightly with the idea.  And believe it or not, by the time my rather late signal (the monthly signal that confirms a pregnancy is definitely NOT on the cards) I had even begun to think that having a third might be actually something great.  I mean, my mum did it.  And I love the fact that I have not one, but two terrific siblings.  And I know a couple of people that have three – and a couple that even have more than this -and they’re not so badly off.  They actually are (or seem, at least) really happy.   AIso.  Believe it or not I really love kids (especially my two little treasures who I adore to death) and babies are the bees knees.  So, I guess I think I might even have been a tad disappointed when I finally received confirmation that the above scenario wasn’t actually to be.  Despite my initial dread-filled reaction.

Oh.  But don’t worry.  To those reading this and thinking, “She can’t be seriously considering another”, rest assured, I’m not!  I’m actually planning an overdue trip to the doc’s in the next couple of weeks to make damn sure I don’t have to go through any drastic steps (such as avoiding the deed altogether) to ensure my shop (yep, the baby making one) remains closed; for now anyway.        Google I guess.  For teaching me something new today!  
Phew!  What a relief!

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